27.09.2015 в 20:18
Пишет *Sometime*:J2Gold Panel
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J2 NJCon Gold Panel
ТВИТТЫ J2 come out in sunglasses acting hungover. (Tired and silly all panel long lol.)
J2 blame Richard for directing them until 1am on Friday.
Jensen gives Jared a hard time for wearing a scarf lol.
They talk about how they are told what not to talk about (concerning the show) at Comic Con, and then the promo comes out and reveals those same things.
Late fan comes in - Jensen about Jared: You missed it he was shirtless. Jared: He was pantless!
Fans raised donations for Attitudes In Reverse, give boys a check for AIR.
J2 talk about the SPNFamily being “badass.”
Question about any details they can give about s11? Jensen won’t give up anything lol. Jared talks about Sam having some visions, will find out very quickly where they come from. They go back to the old mythology. Sam and Dean are friends again.
Jared hugs Jensen and wraps his leg around Jensen, then makes Jensen put his hand on Jared’s leg. Jared then blames the early morning.
J2 teases fan for thanking them for 10 years of Supernatural when she is 13. Says she started watching when she was 11.
What female character would they play? Jared said he already played Meg, says he loves playing angels so Hannah. Jensen says Rowena.
They turn the question on the fan, she would play Charlie. If she played a male, Sam. Jared jumps off stage to hug her. Jared then struggles to get back on stage. Jensen: Dude, you’re 7 feet tall get up here! Jared crashes into Jensen on way up. Jensen: This is what we’re like early in the morning…
Fan asks what item of power/ power Dean would want (since Sam didn’t keep Thor’s hammer). Jensen says x-ray vision. Jared plays the ba-ba-dum on the drums lol.
Fan gives Jared a hard time for Sam not keeping Thor’s hammer. Jensen says he doesn’t need Thor’s hammer, he’s Winchester. More ba-ba-dum on the drums from Jared when Jensen says, “Not a Losechester.”
Question from a group of military spouses - asking if they would want to play a movie role about soldier with PTSD. Jared thanks spouses for their sacrifices. Jared says he would love to, but hard to schedule right now with SPN, but someday. Jensen talks about his and Jared’s soft spot for the military and said he wrote letters to be in Lone Survivor.
Fan asks when SPN is over, Jared knocks down mic over in protest. Jensen: See what you did? They then act out nursing home years of Sam and Dean.
Jared says when SPN ends he wants to “vanish.” Jared talks about all of the opportunities he has had over the years. He wants to be able to chase after his kids after SPN and take on small roles maybe here and there.
Jensen doesn’t know what he wants to do after SPN, doesn’t really have a plan.
Jared talks about crashing the TVD panel in Vegas. Jared thinks they should do like a YouTube crossover thing with the TVD guys.
They talk about going to the Book of Mormon last night in NYC, and recommend it if you, “don’t get offended easily.” They love sitting in the audience and watching the performances on stage at the theater. Jensen: “For us it’s like fuel.”
Biggest crisis on set? Jared flew in late from LA and was really hungry. Week before buddy Tom Welling had been over to J’s house (during season 4) and they had a BBQ. Jared gets home, decided to eat leftovers. Jared was horrifically sick the next day, didn’t know the ribs were raw and not cooked. Went to his trailer, woke up to a doctor giving him a vitamin b shot in his butt - Jensen: Why in your butt? They could have done the arm…This was during Wishful Thinking ep; Jensen played beside a body double in some scenes because Jared was too sick.
Jensen talks about how Frank (who takes care of the Impala’s) had been in an accident on set when the accelerator had stuck to the floor. Jared went to Frank and when they see him Jared goes (boys having a hard time telling story while laughing): “Don’t worry his face already looked like that.” EMT’s were laughing.
Another story: Actor they were interrogating in a scene passed out while filming. He was out for 20-30 seconds. Jensen to the guy when he woke up: “Don’t look at Jared anymore. Happens all the time. Just stare at me.” The guy was fine, just low blood sugar and was nervous.
URL записи27.09.2015 в 20:41
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J2 NJCon Gold Panel
ТВИТТЫ J2 come out in sunglasses acting hungover. (Tired and silly all panel long lol.)
J2 blame Richard for directing them until 1am on Friday.
Jensen gives Jared a hard time for wearing a scarf lol.
They talk about how they are told what not to talk about (concerning the show) at Comic Con, and then the promo comes out and reveals those same things.
Late fan comes in - Jensen about Jared: You missed it he was shirtless. Jared: He was pantless!
Fans raised donations for Attitudes In Reverse, give boys a check for AIR.
J2 talk about the SPNFamily being “badass.”
Question about any details they can give about s11? Jensen won’t give up anything lol. Jared talks about Sam having some visions, will find out very quickly where they come from. They go back to the old mythology. Sam and Dean are friends again.
Jared hugs Jensen and wraps his leg around Jensen, then makes Jensen put his hand on Jared’s leg. Jared then blames the early morning.
J2 teases fan for thanking them for 10 years of Supernatural when she is 13. Says she started watching when she was 11.
What female character would they play? Jared said he already played Meg, says he loves playing angels so Hannah. Jensen says Rowena.
They turn the question on the fan, she would play Charlie. If she played a male, Sam. Jared jumps off stage to hug her. Jared then struggles to get back on stage. Jensen: Dude, you’re 7 feet tall get up here! Jared crashes into Jensen on way up. Jensen: This is what we’re like early in the morning…
Fan asks what item of power/ power Dean would want (since Sam didn’t keep Thor’s hammer). Jensen says x-ray vision. Jared plays the ba-ba-dum on the drums lol.
Fan gives Jared a hard time for Sam not keeping Thor’s hammer. Jensen says he doesn’t need Thor’s hammer, he’s Winchester. More ba-ba-dum on the drums from Jared when Jensen says, “Not a Losechester.”
Question from a group of military spouses - asking if they would want to play a movie role about soldier with PTSD. Jared thanks spouses for their sacrifices. Jared says he would love to, but hard to schedule right now with SPN, but someday. Jensen talks about his and Jared’s soft spot for the military and said he wrote letters to be in Lone Survivor.
Fan asks when SPN is over, Jared knocks down mic over in protest. Jensen: See what you did? They then act out nursing home years of Sam and Dean.
Jared says when SPN ends he wants to “vanish.” Jared talks about all of the opportunities he has had over the years. He wants to be able to chase after his kids after SPN and take on small roles maybe here and there.
Jensen doesn’t know what he wants to do after SPN, doesn’t really have a plan.
Jared talks about crashing the TVD panel in Vegas. Jared thinks they should do like a YouTube crossover thing with the TVD guys.
They talk about going to the Book of Mormon last night in NYC, and recommend it if you, “don’t get offended easily.” They love sitting in the audience and watching the performances on stage at the theater. Jensen: “For us it’s like fuel.”
Biggest crisis on set? Jared flew in late from LA and was really hungry. Week before buddy Tom Welling had been over to J’s house (during season 4) and they had a BBQ. Jared gets home, decided to eat leftovers. Jared was horrifically sick the next day, didn’t know the ribs were raw and not cooked. Went to his trailer, woke up to a doctor giving him a vitamin b shot in his butt - Jensen: Why in your butt? They could have done the arm…This was during Wishful Thinking ep; Jensen played beside a body double in some scenes because Jared was too sick.
Jensen talks about how Frank (who takes care of the Impala’s) had been in an accident on set when the accelerator had stuck to the floor. Jared went to Frank and when they see him Jared goes (boys having a hard time telling story while laughing): “Don’t worry his face already looked like that.” EMT’s were laughing.
Another story: Actor they were interrogating in a scene passed out while filming. He was out for 20-30 seconds. Jensen to the guy when he woke up: “Don’t look at Jared anymore. Happens all the time. Just stare at me.” The guy was fine, just low blood sugar and was nervous.